Friday 25 September 2009

Initial Face Topography

This is my first attempt at sketching topography over a photograph of myself. The photos had filters applied to eliminate lens and perspective distortion, then I sketched the basic topography and quads in Photoshop using a graphics tablet - with the help of the tutorial video and previous students' work as a guide to what it should look like.

Week 1: Introduction

The task for the first 5 weeks of this semester is to create a 3D model of my face. After viewing the tutorial videos, the first stage is to photograph myself from the front and side then alter the photos to eliminate barrel distortion and other artifacts from the camera. After this, I will draw topography lines on the images in Photoshop in order to help with modelling. I will then arrange the images as reference boards in 3DS Max to begin modelling.

From week 6 onwards, I will work as part of a group to model and animate a steam engine or similar object for the Museum of Power to use alongside their exhibits.